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dc.description.abstractVarious letters and docs pertaining to textile workers. Includes Mill Kamgar Union, Bhavnagar letter on closure and unemployment of workers to various govt officials (State of Bombay); letter from Kapda Mazdoor Ekta Union on closure of the Mills, victimisation of hundreds of workers by management of DCM, physical assault on workers etc.; Letter to the Union Minister for Labour and Employement on hunger strike against Kanpur mill closures and clearance of dues to workers; Letters of Delhi Cloth Mills, textile Engineering Committee, Bombay and AITUC regarding Silk industry in Punjab, exemptions in excise duty on art silk and woolen fabrics; Memo by BN Mukherjee, President Girni Kamgar Union to the Central Wage Board Cotton Textile Industry; Questions in Lok Sabha by MPs on Textiles Issues; Letters on implementation of code of discipline and honouring of agreements in various mills (in Hissar, Calcutta, Rajasthan etc.); Memorandum of Settlement between the Management of Delhi Cloth Mills and Swatentra Bharat Mills and their workers represented by Kapra Mazdoor Ekta Union; Demands of the Bhawani cotton Mills workers Union etc.en_US
dc.language.isoEnglish, Tamil, Hindi & Gujaratien_US
dc.titleTextile Mill Workers Union [1953-1959]en_US
dc.description.hostArchives of Indian Labour [V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) - Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH)]-
dc.description.dis“All content hosted in this archive has been obtained with prior permission and approval from the institutions, organisations, and individuals who have either published/produced or held these materials as part of their collections. These materials are meant for educational, research and for non-commercial use only.”-
dc.pageBhavnagar, Coimbatore, Delhi, Kanpur, Faridabad, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Vidarbha, Punjab, Bhiwani, Amritsar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu and Aboharen_US
Appears in Collections:Folder 087 - Textile Federation (AITUC)

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